Sunday, November 13, 2011


Final prompt


Your Signatures for drawing will be due on your return from Thanksgiving break November 28.

You will have three 16 page signatures put together just like your other classes. You will then bind them in your 2d class.

One will be free draw. You can draw what you wish. That doesn't mean you will make sixteen five minute drawings.  These need to be considered and have time spent on them but no theme in necessary.

For one you will pick a theme based on something you feel you need to work on in regards to your drawing and then execute studies to complete this section. You may wish to do value studies, or explore hands in greater detail, perhaps you want to experiment more with ink washes.

For the last you will use in and out of class for the last three weeks of class. This will be used for thumbnails, assignments regarding perspective, and whatever else we may need it for. This will need to come with you to class.