Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Hmwrk #9

Make a drawing that uses warmth as it's main consideration. Take into account everything we did this week and have fun with it.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Hmwrk #8

Do four more compositional studies based on the conversation we had about the last four.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Project 1

Each student will make a large drawing from a small object. Bring your item to class so that we can discuss it and make sure that it will be a visually interesting object to draw. Also you should consider whether or not it would be interesting in regards to the assignment. Complex Tools such as a wine opener would be a good example of an interesting object. Tools are a good choice.

Each drawing should be 36” x 24”.

  • 20% of your drawing should reach full refinement, including shading/ rendering.

  • 15% should be the beginning basic search including your searching lines, implied or guiding lines, and gestures. Show your thought process as you begin a drawing.

  • The rest of the drawing should be a finished contour drawing that is in full proportion and measurement with line weight and quality highly considered.

  • These drawings should have a “see-through” aspect to them. I would like you to imagine that you can see though the tool and draw the object as if it is made of a see through material. This will help you develop structure and proportion. Think industrial or technical drawing.

These percentages may be throughout the drawing, you need to decide what needs to be done to draw in and lead the viewer through the entire picture to create an interesting well balanced composition.

This should be a measured well composed drawings using all the tools discussed in class.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Hmwrk #6

Make an observational drawing that uses expressive mark making.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Hmwrk #5

Do a self portrait/ drawing of friend and then insert a drawing of the skeleton inside. It should be 18 x 24 and drawn with charcoal.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Hmwrk #4

On an 18 x 24 sheet of paper make a drawing of a still life with a cloth or sheet. This should be in charcoal and have a strong light source to create a high range of value and good contrast. Please remember to consider the composition and movement of lights and darks throughout the picture.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Hmwrk #3

 On an 18 x 24 sheet of paper using charcoal (vine) create a balanced composition using black and white shapes. Think about positive/ negative balance.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Hmwrk #2

Do the same as the last assignment, but do it better. Think about composition and creating space using pressure variation in concert with space.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Hmwrk #1

18 x 24 drawing replicating what we did in the last class. Set up a still life with 5 objects focusing on the true, height, width, and proportions of one object in relation to another.

Monday, August 25, 2014


2 rolls masking tape
1 pad newsprint 18 x 24" (100 sheets)
2 18 x 24 pads of Strathmore Medium Drawing Paper
drawing pencils: 4B, 2B, HB, 2H
1 hand-held steel pencil sharpener
Small Sketchbook
2 white erasers
3 kneaded erasers

Small Tackle box

Conte Crayons: 6 Black, 4 white 4 sepia
2 medium toned sheets of paper 18 x 24
1 box compressed charcoal (soft)
1 box soft vine charcoal
charcoal pencils

1 large portfolio
Workable Fixative spray

Not required but you may find handy :
1 roll 36” x 10 yard Drawing paper suggested strathmore
1 bristle or hog hair brush, 1” flat
1 bottle black India ink, 8 oz. Minimum
Tube 43 x 2.5 inches

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Hmwrk 4/7

18 x 24 drawing in full color of your narrative piece due next Monday. Also your peer crit.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Major Project Due April 14

Monday, April 8, 2013

Movie still, Master copy, and You

For the 3rd project you will put together an image consisting of at least one movie still, a work from a master artist layered with a model from life. This model may be you, it may it be someone else, it may be multiple someones.

Using these sources you are to create an investigate and develop a narrative and it’s many potentials.

This piece should be have a 16:9 ratio the smallest possibility (for you) of which is 3.5 x 6 ft.

You may use any materials you wish in any combination that makes sense.

Dates to consider:
March 31 Bring sketches to class for in class dissuasion
April 2 Peer Crit Due
April 9 in class work day

Artists to look at:

Gregory Crewdson (Documentary on Netflix)
Luc Tuymans
Douglas Gordon’s “24 hour Psycho”
Christian Marclay “The Clock”
Eve Sussman
Andy Warhol
Roy Lichtenstein
James Rosenquist

Student examples of past work:

Friday, March 21, 2014

Hmwrk 3/24

5 5x5 inch squares of the sky at dusk using pastel. One for each evening between Wednesday and Sunday. You should not spend more than 20 minutes on each. Stay loose, get muddy...

Monday, March 3, 2014

Due March 10

Both your peer crit and the finished photoshop image from which you will create your second project.