Sunday, March 23, 2014

Major Project Due April 14

Monday, April 8, 2013

Movie still, Master copy, and You

For the 3rd project you will put together an image consisting of at least one movie still, a work from a master artist layered with a model from life. This model may be you, it may it be someone else, it may be multiple someones.

Using these sources you are to create an investigate and develop a narrative and it’s many potentials.

This piece should be have a 16:9 ratio the smallest possibility (for you) of which is 3.5 x 6 ft.

You may use any materials you wish in any combination that makes sense.

Dates to consider:
March 31 Bring sketches to class for in class dissuasion
April 2 Peer Crit Due
April 9 in class work day

Artists to look at:

Gregory Crewdson (Documentary on Netflix)
Luc Tuymans
Douglas Gordon’s “24 hour Psycho”
Christian Marclay “The Clock”
Eve Sussman
Andy Warhol
Roy Lichtenstein
James Rosenquist

Student examples of past work:

Friday, March 21, 2014

Hmwrk 3/24

5 5x5 inch squares of the sky at dusk using pastel. One for each evening between Wednesday and Sunday. You should not spend more than 20 minutes on each. Stay loose, get muddy...

Monday, March 3, 2014

Due March 10

Both your peer crit and the finished photoshop image from which you will create your second project.