Sunday, March 25, 2012


Movie still, Master copy, and You

For the final piece you will put together an image consisting of at least one movie still, and a work from a master artist layered with your own work and content.

Using these sources you are to create an investtigate narrative and it’s potentials.

This piece should be have a 16:9 ratio the smallest possibility (for you) of which is 3.5 x 6 ft.

You may use any materials you wish in any combination that makes sense.

Artists to look at:

Gregory Crewdson
Luc Tuymans
Douglas Gordon’s “24 hour Psycho”
Christian Marclay “The Clock”
Eve Sussman
Andy Warhol
Roy Lichtenstein
James Rosenquist


Read the article in the content section on blackboard on Christian Marclay and his process. Write a page response that ends with brainstorming for your final piece.  Also attach brainstorming sketches.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Signature II Clarification

Some are confused about signature number II. You are to take your master copies and make your own work inspired by and referencing the images you so diligently studied, also use a neutral palette. So if you have been doing Picasso studies you can start by making cubist drawings of your roommate using cool blue grays. Frame your ideas with your artist's ideas.

Monday, monday, MONDAY!

Art in a box...

Bring me your drawings, make me weep.