What are five different ways that you can represent the same thing?
Can you translate an idea visually using 5 different visual languages? Is this merely a change of POV? Do you make stylistic changes? Content? Mark? Composition? Material? Are these separate translations or just drawn differently? At what point is this a different translation? When does the representation become a new language? A new vehicle of communication? When does that image stop being the thing you wish to represent? How can you look at the hand in different ways? What does the hand mean to art and art making? Think of the different ways the hand makes itself seen in a work of art. Think about how the hand is present in mark, motion, gesture, and, time. How do you communicate through image and drawing?
Begin with thumbnails, sketches, and free association. These will be due 2/4.
These should be 5 separate drawings. They should each be at least 18 x 24.
These will be graded on process of development, conceptual elegance, and execution.