Sunday, March 29, 2020

Week 3

3/30 4/1

Perspective drawing fully rendered
Send Sketches and references for your bio architecture structure drawing
Send in any work done to begin the project

To do:
Work on 2nd project due 4/6, Send in progress photos


Project #2 due Monday

Monday, March 23, 2020

3/23, 3/25 Week 2

Due 3/23
Hand/ Foot Drawing images mailed to me
Thumbnails of linear perspective drawing

Due 3/25
Send image of beginning linear perspective drawing

To do:
Begin large perspective drawing based on previous sketches, send line drawing with
perspective lines, horizon line, and vanishing point drawn in pencil for review

Due 3/30
Indoor or outdoor perspective drawing finished and completed fully shaded drawing finished

Over weekend develop ideas for bio architecture structures send developed
sketches/ thumbnails for review

Monday, March 16, 2020

3/16, 3/18 first week of online classes

Due 3/18
1, 2, 3 point perspective photos due 3/18 (outlined on class blog)

To do:
Watch linear perspective lecture videos with Chuck Schmidt linked below

1, 2, 3 point perspective photos due 3/18 (outlined on class blog)

Look over these as well
-Interactive model of linear perspective that allows one to move things like the VP in a 3D model and see the effects on the space. The site also has a a couple of other short videos, like one on Brunelleschi’s experiment 
-Fun video of  Ames Illusion (it has a Eastern European gypsy brass soundtrack, so yeah…)
-Video of use of perspective to create scale illusions in film, photo etc

You will make a drawing in or around your home in 1, 2, or 3 point perspective. The final 18 x 24 drawing should be completed by 3/30. Do thumbnail sketches where you use linear perspective to represent your placement and specific point of view. If you are seated it should appear to the viewer that you are seated. If you are in a tree you should feel above the ground. This means you will need to figure out your horizon line and vanishing point while drawing in all lines extending to the vanishing point. Remember all lines running parallel into the distance will converge at the vanishing point.

Drawing Spring 2020 Online Transition Outline

Transition Outline

Art / Life: One Year Performance 1983-1984 (Rope Piece)
In this performance, Tehching Hsieh and Linda Montano spent one year tied to each other with an 8-foot-long (2.4 m) rope. They had to stay in a same room while not allowed to touch each other until the end of the one year period. Both of them shaved their hair in the beginning of the year, and the performance was notarized initially by Paul Grassfield and later by Pauline Oliveros.

Linear Perspective Lecture Videos

Hand and Foot drawing examples

1, 2, and 3 point assignment

  • You will take 9 photos 3 of 1, 3 of 2, and 3 of 3 point perspective. 
  • Each of the 3 should vary the eye or horizon line in the image. 1 high, 1 from your POV, and 1 from the knee to ankle region. 
  • After you have taken the photos print and trace over the more obvious perspective lines as well as the eye line in the image. 
  • Email me these photos as small .jpg files.
  • Ask questions if you are unclear on what to do
  • Photoshop is fine. You do not need to physically print these out.
  • Due 3/18